Fabricio Oliveira
International President
John A. Harper
Past International Director
Bonnie Harrison
District Governor
We Serve
Lions Clubs International service areas are:
Vision, Diabetes, Environment, Hunger Relief and Pediatric Cancer.

Our Mission
To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.
Our Service Areas
- Childhood Cancer
- Diabetes
- Disaster Relief
- Environment
- Humanitarian
- Hunger
- Vision
- Youth

With nearly 1.5 million Lions in more than 45,000 clubs in over 200 countries, we are the largest service organization in the world. If you are interested in learning more about joining us, click here.
The Purpose of Our Website
Our website is meant to provide information for Wyoming Lions and other interested individuals. Every effort is made by our team to keep the site current.
Other Clubs and members are invited to give details about activities and events and send these to webmaster Lion Dave Orr through liondave@lionsofwyoming.org. You may also phone at (307) 222-8460.
Meet Our District Governor Team
Bonnie Harrison
Cheyenne (Noon) Lions Club
District Governor
ron leathers
Laramie Plains Lions Club
1st Vice District Governor
2nd Vice District Governor
PDG Lee McDonald
Laramie Plains Lions Club
Immediate Past District Governor
PDG Gary Roadifer
Pine Bluffs Lions Club
Global Leadership Team Coordinator
Lion Mary Brown
Cheyenne Frontier Lions Club
Global Membership Team Coordinator
Lion Barbara Peterson
Cheyenne (Noon) Lions Club
Global Service Team Coordinator
PDG Lee McDonald
Laramie Plains Lions Club
Global Extension Team Coordinator
Cheyenne Sunrise LionsClub
District Secretary-Treasurer
Lion Glenda Reynolds
Cheyenne Sunrise LionsClub
District Publications Chair
Fill out the form and click on "create account."
Only Wyoming Lions will be allowed to access the directory. After your initial set up, you can access by clicking the button and using your email and personal password
A compilation of club activities put together by the Lions of Oregon. This is a great source of ideas for clubs looking for a new and different club activity.
We Serve: District 15 (Wyoming Lions) Newsletter

Important Forms
Click on the form name to view a pdf file of the form.
You may print these on your printer.
E-Post Card Form 990 - Should be filed by all clubs by November 1 each year.
PU- 101 - Officer reporting form. This should be filed by the Club Secretary after club elections in April or May each year. This may be done quite easily by using the MyLCI web site.
Recipes for Success document - A compilation of club activities put together by the Lions of Oregon. This is a great source of ideas for clubs looking for a new and different club activity.